News & Publications by Bahasi
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Bahasi Football League Opening has been shifted to 26 February, 2023
Bahasi league opening has been shifted to 26 February which means that it is not going to happen this coming week due to other activities which are going to take place this on the same ground. We have decided to shift it up to 26 February. Venue: Bangwe ground, Time: 1:00 pm. The mayor of Blantyre city will be available as guest of honor during official opening of the BAHASI league. The game will be between Williams FC VS Faluja FC . Together we can make Bangwe the best place to live.
We would like to humbly invite you to be a guest at our BAHASI league. As BAHASI we have decided to organize the Bangwe football league, which will last for about three months from February up to April 2023.
Bangwe is a sector which has a high population and a high rate of people who are HIV/AIDS positive due to the following reasons:
Job opportunity
It is a Transitional zone
DATE; 19TH February,2023
Bangwe HIV/Aids Self-Help Initiative (BAHASI) is a registered charitable organization under the Trustees Incorporation Act in 2016. However, BAHASI was established in 2004 as a community-based organization (CBO). BAHASI works in partnership with Project Trust, a UK based charity providing volunteers to us at BAHASI. We also work with Blantyre City Council under the department of social welfare office.
These factors have led to a high increase of the population in Bangwe whereby some of these people don’t have something to do in order to earn a living. We have also observed that Bangwe is mostly made up of youth and young women which results in high crime and prostitution because of scarcity of job opportunities. Bangwe has experienced high rate suicides in 2022.
Because of these situations we have decided to organize this league in order to make the youth and young women busy playing and watching football. We hope this will help to reduce the number of youth and young women who engage in risky behaviors hence they will be busy in this situation.
As the league progresses, we will be giving guidance and counselling to people in every match on how they can prevent themselves from engaging in those risky behaviors and provide HIV tests during the game.
We are requesting every individual or company who are willing to help or sponsor us to fulfill this vision We would be most pleased to honor your call at any time convenient to you. At BAHASI, we are determined to do what we can, despite the many obstacles we face, to try and aid the suffering of the disadvantaged and vulnerable people within the organization's catchment areas.
We thank you in advance. God be with you.
Yours faithfully
1;00 PM Arrival of visitors
1;10 PM Opening prayer by volunteer
1;15 PM Introduction
1;20 PM Opening remarks by MC
1;25 PM BAHASI activities
1;35 PM Speech by Katie and Phoebe
1;40 PM Speech by Bangwe police
1;45 PM Speech by Mr Jika from HMJ hardwire
1;50 PM Speech by board chair person miss R. Purshotam
2;00 PM Speech by guest of honor his worship Mr. Ndipo , Mayor of BT City Council
2;10 PM Official opening by our guest of Honor
2;30 PM Kick off
3;15 PM Break for first half
3;30 PM Kick off for second half
4;15 PM End of game
4;15 PM Prize presentation
4;20 PM Closing remarks